High School Debate Camps
2024 Camp and Dates
Register SOON! Registration deadline is May 15th!
- 2-week Policy Debate Institute: June 2-15, 2024 ($2,000 resident; $1,700 commuter)
This is our signature program, which we have offered since the Emory National Debate Institute was founded in 1966. The majority of the students attending the ENDI will attend this session tailored to the experience level of the student - from students with no debate experience to those who have been debating for a few years.
Students will learn about and have their first debates on the 2024-2025 high school policy resolution.
- If your student cannot attend the entirety of the camp, please email emorydebateinstitute@gmail.com or call 678-205-6281 to discuss with camp administrator; we will most likely be able to work with you!
High School Summer Debate Camps
If you have questions, please contact emorydebateinstitute@gmail.com
Register Now!Why Choose Emory
Emory University is one of the top 25 Universities in the United States and the Barkley Forum is one of nation’s most successfully competitive intercollegiate debate teams for the last fifty years.
Hands-on Experience with Pre-college Students
- The ENDI has taught over 5,000 high school students debate skills since 1966
- Since 1985, Emory staff and students have been teaching debate to high school students as a principle founder and partner of the Atlanta Urban Debate League
- In 1995, the ENDI began teaching middle school students how to debate. Now over 600 middle school students attend tournaments and teaching sessions under the leadership of Emory faculty, staff, and students
- To this day, Emory staff and students regularly work with nearly a thousand high school and middle school students throughout the school year in classrooms, practice rounds, and tournaments
- Our experience with middle school students helps these students transition to high school debate as they mature into experienced debaters
Unique Opportunities at Emory University
- Regardless of your debate experience, you will have the opportunity to work closely with one of Emory’s full-time debate coaches and nationally competitive college debaters
- While focused on skill development, our staff are looking to provide you with the opportunity to grow in the future as well as achieve success in the upcoming year